Tuesday 27 January 2015

Scotland: I'm finally here

After an all too brief visit to London, catching up with relatives and friends, I landed in a snow-covered Inverness on the afternoon of Saturday the 17th of January and was collected from the airport by Callum, the Production Manager at Glenfarclas. It was about a 45 minute drive back to the distillery and he pointed out landmarks, towns and other distilleries along the way.

We arrived at Glenfarclas and I was shown to my accommodation. I was told it was a nice place, but I still can't quite believe the house I have been put up in. I was hoping for a tidy workmans's cottage. As it happens, I am the sole occupant in "The Manager's House", which is normally kept empty for guests.

It is newly renovated and has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, a generous kitchen and living area. It also has a separate dining room and sitting room. It is all centrally heated and decorated with  a "hunting, shooting and fishing theme". I will probably use about a third of the space.

There was a bottle of 12 year old Glenfarclas whisky on the sideboard in the dining room that I was invited to familiarise myself with.

After dropping my bag, I was introduced to Mr and Mrs Grant. John Grant is the chairman of J & G Grant, which has owned Glenfarclas since 1865. Despite this legacy, the Grants come across as friendly and down-to-earth. I was welcomed with a cup of tea and a piece of christmas cake.

I'll write about how the work goes soon. I think I'm going to like it here.

Glenfarclas in the snow

My hoose

Bathroom wallpaper: "Och. I think I've hooked a dolphin"